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FilmEU_RIT will increase the Alliance’s competiveness and reinforce its ability to develop activities that span all the areas of the knowledge square: education, research, innovation, and service to society, while helping the creative sector to affirm its potential for innovation and resilience in a post COVID-19 context.

FILMEU_RIT’s main objective is the capacitation, in Research and Innovation terms, of the individual HEIs that integrate the Alliance via the joint design of strategies and action plans that ensure the transformation of the future European University into an Institution that puts Research and Innovation n the fields of Film and Media Arts at the centre of its activities and operates as a highly valuable critical cultural intermediary. This implies that by 2025 FILMEU must be constituted as an exemplary collaborative structure able to deepen the cooperation between all members of the Alliance and foster their ability to act locally, regionally, and globally in the cultural and creative industries and across other societal areas they impact. The Alliance will implement cooperatively designed policies and action plans in order to increase the profile of Film and Media Arts innovation and research, and develop projects supported by a common agenda for artistic practice-based research that, in a critical and reflexive manner, exploits technologies, consolidates alternative paths for PhDs in this field, and reinforces the societal impact of the knowledge produced in the institutions that integrate the alliance.

FilmEU_RIT Toolkit

The FilmEU_RIT joint research agenda is based on the theoretical framework of Artistic Research and its methodologies and builds upon four foundational elements to enhance the Alliance's R&I capacity.
First Stage. Constitutive foundational elements.
Our roadmap for Transformation
Our Implementation plan.
These are the concrete outcomes of our joint research agenda.

Pilot Projects

All projects are exploratory and the objectives of the pilots are to consolidate teams inside the clusters and to support the definition of the research agenda of the Alliance by focusing on specific thematic areas.