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2nd Baltic NeuroCine conference

The 2nd Baltic NeuroCine Conference takes place at Tallinn University on April 23-24, 2024. The conference, organised jointly by the ARCF pilot team and led by Dr. Pia Tikka, a filmmaker and research professor, and Elen Lotman, a cinematographer and associate professor at BFM, will feature exciting presentations by both filmmakers and neuroscientists.

Keynote speakers include for example award-winning filmmaker and researcher in creative practice and cognition Karen Pearlman, who will bring her brand new research on the elusive topic of film director's "vision" to the NeuroCine auditorium and Lauri Nummenmaa, leader of the Human Emotion Systems laboratory at Turku PET Centre and Department of Psychology, who has written over 100 scientific articles on brain basis of emotions and social cognition and who was propelled into international fame with this work on bodily maps on human emotions.

The two-day program of the conference is filled to the brim with different presentations, many of which feature demonstrations of audiovisual stimuli or artistic research in audiovisual form. Different topics that will be covered include acting, editing, film sound, camera movement, teaching film, spectatorship, collaborative filmmaking practices and many others.

More info about the conference. 

See the full program.

The 2nd Neurocine Conference is organised with the generous support by FilmEU_RIT, Cilect, Tallinn City and Estonian Research Council.