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ARCF eye tracking experiment

Elen Lotman gave a talk at the International Cinematography Summit, where she presented the Artistic Research and Cognitive Film Studies (ARCF) pilot and a study they made under the auspices of it. The study innovatively involves filmmakers in empirical research, both as participants and interpreters of eye tracking results. Historically, filmmakers' insights came through interviews or written accounts, so recording their eye movements and their interpretations is a novel approach. This aligns with the ARCF pilot's aim of promoting interdisciplinary collaboration among neuroscientists, film theorists, and filmmakers.

The study tracked the eye movements of cinematographers and film professionals of varying experience to see if professional experience influences perception through a process known as perceptual learning.

This experiment will be published as a co-authored article by Elen Lotman, Pia Tikka and Mati Mõttus in a forthcoming special issue of Baltic Screen Media Review Journal. We will let you know when it’s out!