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The FilmEU researchers meet again for a RIT Matchmaking session!

In view of further reinforcing the consolidation of FilmEU joint research agenda focusing on artistic research and emergent CCSI related research domains, FilmEU boosted a new opportunity for joint research collaborations.

This event was a great opportunity for the teachers and researchers from all FilmEU institutions to share their areas of interest with the aim of applying for the FilmEU Seminal Funding.

FilmEU will fund five research projects:

  • European Scientific Cinema
  • Inês Gil (Lusófona Univ.)
  • Diog O'Connell (IADT)
  • Teet Teinemaa (TLU)

Emerging interactive narrative techniques

  • Marian McDonnell (IADT)
  • Lea Vidakovic (Lusófona Univ.)
  • Robby Clerebout (LUCA)


  • Sivakumar Ramachandran (Ganesh) (IADT)
  • Gonçalo Gato (Lusófona Univ.)

Games / Affective Computing

  • Micaela Fonseca (Lusófona Univ.)
  • Thomas Bjørnsten (VIA University College)
  • Pia Tikka (TLU)
  • Phil Lopes (Lusófona Univ.)

Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality

  • Célia Quico (Lusófona Univ.)
  • Wim Forceville (LUCA)
  • Robert Griffin (IADT)
  • Pedro Sousa (Lusófona Univ.)
  • João Alves (Lusófona Univ.)
  • Fuad Halwani (Lusófona Univ.)
  • Willem Mertens (LUCA)
  • Thomas Meynen (LUCA)
  • Charlotte Van Roelen (LUCA)
  • Joachim Pietsch (IADT)